Important Steps to Practice Essay Writing Skills

Important Steps to Practice Essay Writing Skills

Are you confused about how to practice essay writing? You're not alone. Most students struggle at this stage of their academic life, especially when they are facing many subjects like English literature and foreign languages.

They are tempted to give up when facing such a disheartening task because it seems impossible to quickly pick up writing skills for essays to fulfill the demanding requirements.

That's why you may feel a strong need for a professional essay writing service that offers real professionals with years of experience in essay writing.

Essay Writing Outline

Before you start practicing your essay writing skills, it’s important to know the exact format or layout. It will help you craft impressive academic writing without wasting time. Here’s what an average essay looks like:

  • The first step is to read the essay question several times to clarify what is required

  • The second step is to write an outline.

  • The third step is to write the introduction paragraph.

  • The fourth step is to write the first body paragraph.

  • The fifth step is to write the second body paragraph.

  • The sixth step is to write the third body paragraph.

  • The seventh step is to write the conclusion.

  • The final step is to proofread and edit and then re-read and edit again if necessary.

Steps to Practice Essay Writing

Essay writing is a kind of task or assignment in which students are asked to write a report or essay describing their own views.

It takes time and training to achieve good essay-writing skills. It is difficult for students who have never been trained properly to enjoy the benefits of essay writing.

If you want your essays to be read by someone, you need to practice them.

This will make sure that they are not only well written but also flow naturally and correctly. In case of any confusions about starting an essay, you can read our blog for a deeper insight. 

What do we mean by "practicing your essay"? You can practice writing an essay at least once a day or once every other day. Here are more steps to help you practice essay writing like a pro.

1. Brainstorm ideas and find supporting evidence

Brainstorming is the first step to writing a good essay. You need to have the right topic for your essay so that you can find the best supporting evidence for it.

Look for ideas and evidence from different sources in your library or online, and make sure that you don't forget anything important when you are brainstorming.

In fact, brainstorming can be a good way to find ideas for your essay. Start by listing all of the topics you have researched, and then jot down any additional information or insights that come to mind.

When you're brainstorming, keep in mind that you don't have to write down everything at once; just write down whatever comes to mind.

You can also use this technique when writing a research paper: start with a topic, brainstorm some related topics and then combine them into one paper.

2. Outline Thoroughly

After you have found your topic, it is time to outline it clearly. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that everything is clear and concise when you write your essay. It is also very important to outline each point of your essay so that there are no holes in your argument or

questions unanswered by the end of writing your first draft.

When outlining, it's important to remember that an outline is simply a working draft - not a final draft - so don't worry about spelling errors and other minor mistakes at this point.

It's better to get all of your ideas out on paper first so that you can revisit them later if necessary, but don't worry about perfection yet.

3. Read widely

Reading widely is one of the most important things that you can do before writing an essay.

Reading other people's essays will give you some good ideas on how to structure yours as well as some good examples of how others have written about their topics.

Reading other people's papers will also give you some fresh perspectives on issues that may be new territory for you personally.

Reading boosts your exposure and helps you understand things to the next level.

You must have done some research before starting to write your essay because it will help you in writing it better.

A good way of doing research is by reading scholarly articles or books on the same subject and then comparing them with each other so as to create your own opinion based on an evidence-based approach.

4. Write to the Point

When you write an essay, you want to accomplish two things: first, you need to give your readers a good understanding of the topic, and second, you need to convince them that it is worth their time to read more about it.

To do this, you need to get right down to business and describe the main points of your argument without wasting any time on irrelevant details or digressions.

It is important to write down what you have to say clearly and simply.

You can start by stating your thesis or main idea, which will be the focus of your essay. Including every point that supports this theme in your paper is a good idea.

Make things to the point so that readers do not have to face trouble understanding what you want to say.

5. Use formal language

In order to write a professional essay, you must use formal or English language as it is spoken and written in books, magazines, and newspapers.

You should avoid informal expressions unless they are used in a specific context where they would make sense.

Try not to use informal language such as “I think,” “I feel,” or “I believe” in place of more formal expressions such as “it is suggested that” or “it can be argued that.”

You should also avoid using slang words or phrases like “cool” or “awesome” because these are informal words and will make your essay seem less professional.

6. Avoid Cliché and Overused Phrases

A common mistake students make when writing essays is using too many words that have already been used before, either in their own work or by other writers.

This can be a problem because no matter how good your writing may be, it will still be considered cliché if you use too many of these phrases in your essay.

Avoid using clichés and overused phrases when writing an essay because they can make your essay sound less original and interesting for readers who have already heard these phrases many times before from other writers.

7. Proofread and Edit Carefully

Proofreading means reading the paper again carefully to check for grammatical and spelling mistakes before submitting it to your teacher or professor.

This is to make sure that they do not have to read through a poorly written

piece of work that could have been caught during proofreading.

Editing means making changes to the structure of sentences and paragraphs as well as adding new information throughout an essay so that it flows better without losing its meaning in any way.


Have you tried to write an essay? Did you get stuck with a paper and feel like you have lost every creative idea? Did you wish there was a magic trick to let you write an essay that interested people?

It can be a daunting task. Writing an essay for college is commonly known as the hardest assignment that you can ever face.

There are quite a few things that need to be done in order to complete it successfully. There is also a lot

of information that must be learned and understood from

scratch. However, following the above-suggested approach should help you practice your essay writing skills accurately and become a good academic writer.

Against all odds, if you still find it challenging, you can hire our professional essay writing help in less than just 7 minutes round the clock.

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